Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Be careful with your word.. be careful with my heart..

Assalamualaikum all,

What would be your first impression??
Especially when you're a Malaysian..
Sure sentap kan..


Cuma selepas beberapa saat (to those yang akalnya panjang) akan pi tanya Cik Gugel or merisik ke Tok Wi or sebarang talian hayat akan kesahihan iklan di atas.

But kepada yang KURANG BERAKAL.. sure akan kata..

- Eewww.. its so freaky
- Scary huh?
- That's so eerie
- You have got to be kidding me
- Etc..
- Whatever..

And the list goes on and on..

Meh nak cerita sikit..
This was an example of a post from one of my INSENSITIVE friend on her FB. Mak sentap weii.. to the max..

Then boleh pulak ada follower pi like her post.
Tak cukup dengan tu.. dia selit lagi dengan segala back-link pasal kes China-Malaysia and macam-macam lagi.

Well.. short story.. long story.. minah ni memang rasa dia macam "immune" semacam sebab tiap kali dia post anything ada je yang tukang LIKE or puji or sokong and even komen "may I share this please".

At the same time.. my WA and inbox.. thus whatever medium people can contact me.. mula kena terjah. Semua komen pasal minah sorang ni.

Actually we have this sort of "circle of friends" yang share the same hobby. But.. alhamdulillah.. in that particular group.. once you're a Malaysian.. you're still a MALAYSIAN indeed. And eventually semua mula ngadu the same story to Ibu. SEMUA TAK PUAS HATI DENGAN POST MINAH NI.

Ibu at first memang tak perasan dengan post ni and the moment Ibu pi jer skodeng.. well.. let me tell you this.. only any sickos or bad marketing executive will use this advertisement.

Later bila Ibu pi "study" sikit.. memang the advertisement was a hoax. Hence.. mulalah drama berbalas komen.

Shamsiah Abdul Rahman Dearest all,
I'm, a MALAYSIAN & in NO DOUBT I'm very proud of my very own Malaysian Airline System.. & at this very moment.. I believed.. me.. and more in the world are in great grief due the incident of MH370. I, sincerely think this post is insensitive. For those who believe in GOD, just who are we to QUESTION his judgement. May all the families & the love ones be strong at this moment.

May they find peace in their own way.
While for the muslims.. Al-Fatihah.

To me..
Any responsible.. with brain.. with big heart.. orang yang ada sifat empathy.. and rasa rendah diri.. pendek cerita.. yang SENSITIF.. dan berakal akan mintak maaf and remove the post. Unfortunately.. its still there. Without any apologies.. without any concern.. without any sedikit rasa bersalah pun.

I how do I react?
Okey fine.. your wall.. your right.. your choice.

Me.. maybe its time for me to bukak mata. Bukan semua orang ada perasaan.. sedih.. kesihan.. or whatever yang patut laa bila ada manusia lain dalam dunia ni diturunkan kesusahan.. diberikan dugaan yang sebegini.

Cuma Ibu sedikit "terasa hati" knowing that we've been friends (tho only in Fb with the same hobby) for the past several years.

Sedih tu.. sedih la jugak (knowing that it won't be the same lepas ni). But when you start showing-off you true colors.. maybe its time for me to angkat kaki.

"Tarik diri" from the group.. doesn't mean I've gone nuts or nak tunjuk keras kepala. Cuma its my way telling you.. you're not worth being my friend. Itu saja.

At this very moment.. whatever the consequences.. alahhh.. its only a hobby la babe. Tak kawan dengan ko.. banyak lagi group lain.. Ibu boleh join.

But once ko main-main dengan isu macam ni.. you're so barking at the wrong tree.

Ibu bukan racist.. bukan against other religion.. cuma seorang manusia yang at this very moment tengah rasa sedih dengan "insiden MH370". Belum lagi dengan kisah terbaru di Gaza or di Mesir tu. Kut tak tahu.. pi try buat search sikit. And more important.. ini bukan entri nak mengajak orang "membusuk hati" dengan seorang manusia yang lain.

Uishhhh.. panjang la pulak Ibu membebel kali ni.

Akhir qalam.. macam ni je la.. "to those who believed in GOD".

This is only one of his "dugaan and ujian" yang DIA turunkan untuk kita. Walaupun ko tak kenal anybody on that flight pun.. be sensitive babe. Gunakanlah akal yang Allah bagi tu "a bit wiser" at least. If you're too busy running your life pun.. it won't be a damn harm if you sedekah Al-Fatihah (if you're a Muslim) or express your condolences pada keluarga yang terlibat.

Ini hari dia orang babe.. esok.. lusa.. tulat.. you'll never know.

What comes around.. goes around.

Ilal liqa'..


  1. Ya ALLAH kakkkkkkk.aku baca pun geram. rasa nak lempang je. huhu!!!!mmg setuju sgt feedback k.sham tu. really proud of u kak. really proud also to be Malaysian & firmly really proud to be MUSLIM.. lately ni mmg emosi betul2 terganggu dgn celaan & tuduhan dr pelbagai pihak especially when they highlighting abt ISLAM. but again bila muhasabah diri i jump to conclusion that the world really2 nazak & will be end soon telly with the dalil yg dunia akhir zaman mmg terlalu byk fitnah yg akan melanda umat islam. pliz be strong & united & don't stop make due' in order to avoid fitnah akhir zaman & fitnah dajjal. ingatan utk diri sendiri

  2. 100%, or even trillion percents agree rostina76. Eii.... words can descrive her.

    Nasib Ikhwanul Muslimin pun sangat menyedihkan. Geram sangat sebab tangan tak tercapai untuk menghulur bantuan. Semoga doa kita semua sampai untuk mereka.

  3. Benar belaka apa yang di tulis.

    Sampai hari ini air mata tidak berhenti menitis bila menonton berita ini. Apakan daya? Aku redha dan terima ketentuan ini walaupun mereka bukan ahli keluargaku. Aku percaya Qada dan Qadhar.

    Tapi aku tetap bersedeh kerana MH370 = negaraku tercinta Malaysia.

    Aku tetap bersolat hajat semoga Allah membuka hijab demi penyelesaian. Aku bukan RIAK tapi pada aku Allah akan makbulkan doa hambanya, jadi siapa punya doa hambanya yg dimakbulkan utk selesaikan masalah ini adalah hak Allah. Aku hanya hambaNya.

    Al-Fatihah & RIP for non Moslem


    Azian, a silent reader

  4. Ros, Aziela & Azian.
    Doa tu umpama talian hayat antara kita & Allah.. & doa siapa yg Allah berkenan utk tunaikan.. itu urusan DIA.

    Keep on praying.. with God's will.. mungkin ada antara kita yg makbul doanya.


  5. Assalamualaikum kakak. Sakitnya hati kan? Di saat sukar begini, ada pula yg sengaja tak sensitif. Sedih sgt.

  6. Laura,
    Mungkin sbb dia bkn Malaysian so dia kurang "terasa" but as a HUMAN.. there's no excuses for that..

  7. Setuju KakSham..
    Setuju sangat..
    Sedih sangat
    Kalau bdk kecik dah piat piat telinga
