Beautiful Friends

Monday, April 16, 2012

Arif - LKG Red

Its been a week now. Dengan rasminya Arif the Cinonet telah bergelar seorang "pelajar". Pagi-pagi lagi Arif dah excited sangat. Hatta dari bangun tidur, mandi, pakai baju sekolah.. "everthing". Dari lagaknya, he's going to be okey la kut. Ibu, dalam hati carca-marba.. semua ada. Suka, sedih, risau, suspen semua ada. One question.. boleh ke dia ni nanti?

Sampai di sekolah, biasa la kan.. day one. The seniors, relax je. Even my Manja Ibu steady jer. This year Haazem will be studying in Class 3 Green for he will be taking French and Islamiat. Those students who are taking Easy Arabic or Advance Arabic are in other classes. Terperanjat jugak Ibu bila being told by the class teacher Haazem has changed class since he's no longer taking Easy Arabic and Deen. Bertuah punya anak.. sendiri buat decision. But come to think about it, yang belajar dia. If he thinks is best for him, Ibu ikut saja. Nevertheless, us being parents can't force too much on our children on their learning process. The best thing to do is give guidance and monitor them as well as support them. Must bare in mind, this is their time..

Back to Arif. The moment we set foot into LKG RED, there were children screaming and crying almost everywhere. We were much fortunate for Arif is not one of them. He even asked me, "Ibu.. kenapa semua budak-budak ni nangis?" I can't hardly answer his simple question because I was too emotional at that time. The most I can answered him was "dia orang suma baby lagi, Arif dah besar.. tak nangis lagi kan". Tapi dalam hati, Allah sahaja yang tahu. Alahai.. aduhai.. my baby so grown up now.

Remember last time we brought him to the barber for a hair cut. Well his hair is a bit long by now hence we gave him another hair cut. And as you can see as shown in the picture, his hair is way beyond a proper school hair cut for boys. Still we were hoping "its okey" and acceptable by the class teacher. Tapi masa balik dari sekolah tu, Ibu dah kena tegur by the class teacher, "Madam, please cut the hair". Padan muka to both of us especially Cik Asben la. Biasa la, Arif tu kan Cik Asben punya "my mini me".

By the time his first day is over, Ibu already outside his classroom. Again, Ibu hampir dah nak menangis bila tengok Arif tidur atas meja tulis. Penat sangat la tu. As per his class teacher, Arif was really behaving and most of all, not a single time was he crying. Alhamdulillah.

Later that night we went out for a simple celebration thus most important.. get his hair cut.. again.

Well, just let me just share some pictures taken on that special day.

Haazem and Arif all geared up for their first day at school for 2012 new session

Sunday morning.. Cik Asben in the midst of memberikan kata-kata semangat kepada Arif
Ayahnya yang gabra sebenarnya.. heheheh..

Arif sedang ber-konflik di dalam hati.. "apalah yang aku buat kat sini ni?"

 Look Ibu.. I'm okey

Arif with his new look. Alahai.. makin hensem la pulak anak Ibu.. dah tak comel lagi la pulak..
(kalau bukan parents sendiri nak puji.. sapa lagi la kan kan kan)

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