Beautiful Friends

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Parent & kids..

Assalamualaikum all,

Recovering.. that's for sure. And gradually.. perut mula mintak macam-macam. Whilst otak mula fikir macam-macam.
For a start, sarapan pagi ni.. mi sup + sup tulang. Equal to = mi sup tulang.
As we always practiced in this house. The basic comes from me and the rest.. alter or modify sendiri. So, result ikut selera masing-masing. Yakni, masing-masing bebas bereksperimen and end result.. tanggung sendiri.
Well, this was Cik Asben's portion. His portion.. so its up to him. Although.. I did add a bit or some vege. My advise to him.. "macam mana anak-anak nak makan sayur kalau AYAH dia orang sendiri tak makan..".
And for the past 14 years, that tricks.. WORKS..


  1. ish tak leh jadi ni. nak kena kuar pi cari makanan ni. tensen la duk hotel tak leh nak buat eksperimen kat dapur macam selalu

  2. Sedapnya nampak mi sup tulang tu, oh noo..dah makan nasik tadi..kena cari biskutlah.. *selongkaq tin biskut*

  3. Dinas..
    Makan biskut pun.. sekeping dua je.. bukan se-TIN ya..


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