Beautiful Friends

Friday, June 1, 2012

Nasi goreng Hawally & weekly family treat

Hi all,

Menyampaikan hajat kaum Adam di rumah ni..

Amsyar : Nasi goreng daging
Haazem : Telur dadar
Arif : Goreng kacang buncis + telur
Cik Asben : All the above
Result : Nagi goreng Hawally

I just thought it could be a nice combination with all the request made by all the men in the house. Other than that, Ibu memang dah tak ada idea nak masak apa untuk malam ni. Alhamdulillah, respon yang diterima cukup bagus. Anak-anak dan Cik Asben pun makan sampai tersandar. So lepas ni bolehlah Ibu rehat sekejap. Bukan senang dapat berkumpul makan malam di rumah seperti ini. Sebab selalunya anak-anak akan buat plan sendiri dengan kawan-kawan sesudah kelas karate berakhir. Dengan cuaca panas seperti sekarang, badan cepat lesu dan malas pula rasanya nak lepak-lepak di luar.

For this week family treat, we went to Noodle Factory. Just something for a change. Again, syukur.. alhamdulillah anak-anak enjoyed their food the fullest. Faham-faham sahajalah, bukan senang nak bagi anak makan, especially Haazem. His selection of food are often very simple yet it's very hard to make him "kenyang" sampai senyum.

Cik Asben had this, the Green Dragon

While Amsyar had this, the Jungle Nectar

Haazem with his regular Pepsi
Arif had this too
Me.. teh'o ais limau je..

Arif ordered this, Tempura Shrimp with egg-plant

This was my portion
Singapore laksa with "everything"

It was tasteless tapi habis jugak
Shared between me and Arif (nasib baik ada Arif tolong makan sama)

Dimsum (vege)
Shared between me, Amsyar and Cik Asben
Okey laaa..

Kuey Tiaw Goreng ordered by Cik Asben
Not so bad

Kerabu so'on
Please remind me not to order this again
Too sweet and too sour

Haazem ordered for Ayam Pandan
Unfortunately they were out of Ayam Pandan this week (repeat order from last week)
So instead of it, he asked for chicken wings (macam boxing chicken la pulak) & steamed rice

Nota kaki :
Amsyar ordered the "Indonesian Nasi Goreng" again.
Tapi tak sempat nak ambil gambar because dia sibuk sangat "menghayati" nasi gorengnya.
Urmmm.. Amsyar forever with "nasi goreng".

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